10 Jul 2009

You may be thinking that this trip to Prague is just cafés and marionettes. Yet, I tell you it is not.Althea and I are studying like nobody’s business. Our average day consists of a three hour workshop or lecture, photography class, an evening reading and even—choke—homework.

To prove our devotion to the scholarly, I dedicate this blog entry to Franz Kafka. I’m currently reading The Castle –when in Prague, etc.—and I’m learning a great deal about the great man.

My sources could have been Wikipedia, but that seemed an easy out. Instead, I read a children’s biography, Franz Kafka: The Life and Work of a Prague Writer.

I photographed a stature of Kafka over by the synagogue. I can’t explain why there are flowers placed at the base of the statue. Perhaps some of the hoards of passing tourists mistook it for a statue of Michael Jackson and spread the flowers in an act of mourning.

I also include a photo of the Faculty Building at Charles University where Althea and I are studying. Kafka also studied there.

Some Kafka facts:

  • He was Jewish.
  • He wasn’t interested in Judaism so much until later in life when he began studying Hebrew and became enamored with Yiddish theater.
  • He was perpetually becoming engaged to and breaking off engagements with young women. Felice—two engagements. Greta—friend of Felice who helped him through the trying time. Julia—Franz remained engaged to her for a whole summer. Milena—maybe just a friend. Dora was his final lover. Kafka’s doctor said, “ Only the person who knows Dora knows what love is.” She was at his side when he died of tuberculosis at age 40.
  • His beloved sister Ottla died in a concentration camp.
  • He never finished writing The Castle, so I hope I’m not disappointed with an abrupt ending. We’ll see.

At any rate, Althea and I are not goofing off.

Here are two quotes I liked attributed to Franz Kafka, chosen from www.lessthancrediblekafkaquotes.com

The thornbush is the old obstacle in the road. It must catch fire if you want to go further.

We all have wings, but they have not been of any avail to us and if we could tear them off, we would do so.

As for my wings, I will never tear them off
